Michael Enright, Owner/Operator

Since I was a child roaming the hills of southeast Ohio, I have loved wildlife and the outdoors.  I spent many hours observing and learning about wildlife.  This fascination with wildlife continues to this day as I watch the different wildlife come and go in my backyard.  Teaching the next generation to value and love wildlife (and the habitats they depend on) is perhaps the greatest challenge facing wildlife today.      

I completed my bachelor’s degree in Biology at Grove City College, Grove City PA in 1999 and a master’s degree in Biology in 2001 at Wright State University with an emphasis on wetland science.  In the fall of 2001, I joined Five Rivers MetroParks as the park district’s first wildlife biologist.  Ultimately, I rose to the Director of Parks and Conservation and played a critical role in protecting, preserving, and managing the habitat and wildlife of Five Rivers MetroParks.  In addition to my roles at MetroParks, I have served as the president of the Ohio Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chair of the City of Dayton Environmental Advisory Board, and the Ohio representative on the Executive Board the Midwest/Great Lakes Chapter of the Society of Ecological Restoration.

I left MetroParks in the fall of 2016 to start Enright Wildlife and Habitat Solutions LLC, which allowed me to bring my experience and skills to individuals, companies, and local government organizations throughout the Miami Valley and beyond.  I enjoy successfully solving wildlife and habitat challenges in safe, humane, and cost effective ways.  My hope is that I can help both wildlife and habitats thrive for future generations.        

 My wife and I have called Huber Heights home for over twenty years with a very spoiled rescue cat, who is the head of treat procurement at Enright Wildlife!


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